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What is the GOaL-e program ?

GWGs Organization and Leadership - effectiveness program

Helping you more effectively lead your organization and maximize your success

When coaching a leader or assessing an organizations effectiveness, it's not enough just to understand their goals. One needs to also understand the culture and gain an understanding as to how employees perceive their working world.


Management often don't hear of dysfunctional processes or obstacles even when they ask staff.

  • Climate surveys and 360s are popular, but only scratch the surface, and sometimes not even that.


This is why a well thought out, all encompassing approach can prove so value adding to leadership and ultimately the organization. In order to cut through complaining and misguided desires for change, you need a skilled and experienced facilitator to implement GOaL-e. One who can first of all obtain candid input and then filter that input through good management practice and the local culture.

Remember: -- Culture eats strategy for breakfast --


GOaL-e will:​

  • Enhance your leadership, by identifying employee perception of you and your management team's behaviour and role model impact.

  • Identify improvement opportunities in your organizational processes, by comparing employee input against the eight leadership cylinders and filtering that through the lens of an experienced facilitator.

  • Improve your leadership effectiveness, operational efficiencies, engagement of your staff and the success of your organization.


Executive coaching, operational effectiveness, leadership effectiveness

GOaL-e involves:

  • Review of the leaders goals and business unit objectives, to tailor the process to each unit

  • Comprehensive interviews with employees (sample size varies based on degree of organizational challenge)

    • ​Interviews are conducted based on over 80 questions linked to good management practices built around the eight cylinders as below

    • All interviews are conducted in an open and secure atmosphere, with minimal time disruption of your staff

    • goes well beyond any climate survey

  • Gathering key stakeholders’ input as part of the gap analysis

  • Goals, culture and employee perspectives are gathered, filtered through the Ten Leadership Cylinders (below) and the lens of an experienced facilitator

  • Identification of improvement opportunities and plans developed

  • Coaching support provided to client or members of the management team as required


Climate surveys are often conducted to help ensure that organizations are operating effectively.  Yet in the parts of the organizations where real problems lie, the climate surveys are often underutilized or completely undermine the very climate they are meant to improve. "Vote five - stay alive", is a phrase I have often heard from organizations where real problems frustrate employees and the climate surveys do nothing but cause further frustration. GOaL-e gets to the root of obstacles, helps the organization develop plans to deal with the findings and coaching support as needed to ensure those plans are effectively implemented.


Experience shows that boards, executives, owners, general managers, department heads and even union executive find the results of GOaL-e program to be accurate, therefore readily accepting the recommendations as a solid basis for developing improvement actions and decision making.

GOaL-e is based on conventional management practice which is boiled down into ten leadership Cylinders, that all need to work together for maximum horsepower, namely:

C1: We create value by having a customer centered business approach
C2: We set ambitious goals and strive for excellence
C3: We are accountable for our financial, environmental and social performance
C4: We provide innovation to the benefit of our stakeholders
C5: We build and maintain good relations with our key stakeholders
C6: We treat everyone with respect
C7: We focus on personal performance and development
C8: We have a healthy and engaging workplace
C9: We optimize the way we work and strive for simplicity
C10: We never compromise on quality and business ethics


The interview approach is objective and principle oriented:

  • Stakeholders and employees from the unit are identified and agreed with the client

  • An external, neutral yet experienced facilitator provides an edge in gathering information, often not shared with management

  • The resultant actions are also well supported by staff who feel they have had a voice in future business development initiatives

  • GWG Consulting Services has conducted thousands of interviews and never has information been compromised


The value of this process has been proven in over 100 various sized organizations. Over 400 improvement opportunities have been addressed and numerous smaller suggestions uncovered and quickly implemented.


GOaL-e is based on a thorough understanding of how the leader is perceived in their role. This provides an ideal coaching platform to addresses the behaviors leaders demonstrate such as communication, motivation, empowerment and relationships. In addition to the realities of systems and processes currently in place.


Good organization and leadership practices
Ensure you're firing on all cylinders

​"George (Principal of GWG Consulting) provided an excellent program to find out where we are in connection with our management practices and identifying areas for improvement. George’s demonstrated professionalism and encouraged openness from interviewees and management, engaged everyone in the process. As a fairly new President this was an extremely valuable process for us."

Is your organization firing on all cylinders?

 Contact GWG Consulting Services to learn how their disciplines can help you maximize your leadership and operational excellence while increasing performance. 

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