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Organization and Leadership effectiveness assessment 

Optimize your organization and leadership effectiveness​ - improving performance

The exclusive GOaL-e program is customized to your organization thereby maximizing success:

  • Get to the root of your corporate culture (go well beyond climate surveys)

  • Receive relevant recommendations for improving leadership, with immediate wins

  • Identify improvement opportunities in the quality of individual deliverables and performance

  • Improve your operational efficiency and the engagement of your staff

  • Bring extensive experience from both a consulting and leadership perspective


Provide a strong base on which to build high value-adding executive coaching.


Make sure your organization is firing on all cylinders!

A typical tell-tale of an organization not 'firing on all cylinders' is staff engagement


Does Staff Engagement Pay Off?

One of the key signals of an organization 'firing on all cylinders' is the engagement level of staff.


Engagement is a critical element in achieving business outcomes. Also, in an increasingly complex and collaborative work environment, organizations must ensure the alignment of employees' work to key business priorities and agility of the workforce to sustain engagement over the long term. 


"Today, human capital is the most valuable capital in every company, no matter what industry it is in."  Geoff Colvin, Fortune Magazine - Feb 2016

organizational effectiveness, leadership effectiveness, super climate survey

Staff Engagement Does Pay Off:


Since 2008, the S&P 500 has returned 121%, but the companies that employees rate well in engagement have returned 218.5%.


Yet, just 22% of employees report high levels of discretionary effort, and it’s declining

building employee engagement, organizational and leadership effectiveness assessment by GWG Consulting

Where Does Canada Rank?

Percentage of employees globally reporting high levels of discretionary effort by region

Global Employed Labor Force / Q4 2014

need to improve employee engagement, GWG consulting

But Is Engagement Enough?


CEB research shows that engagement alone—although a key indicator of workforce performance—insufficiently improves business outcomes on its own.


This explains why 60% of highly engaged employees—those who could best help the organization achieve business results—have not seen their work align with organizational goals.

Aligning engagement with organization mission and strategy

Is your organization firing on all cylinders?

 Contact GWG Consulting Services to help ensure your processes and staff are aligned, that their understanding creates the same engagement you feel.

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